Interested to find out how I can help you rebalance your body and take control of your health..?

The discovery call gives you an opportunity to learn more about how I can help you make a start in the right direction.

  • Weightloss Coaching

    It is a common belief that we need to lose weight to be healthy, when often it’s not that simple – we need to be healthy before we can lose weight.  Hormones and toxins have a key role in regulating our weight.

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  • Health Coaching

    An IHP will help you discover your root cause issues and guide you towards making lifestyle changes that will help you achieve your goals. IHP’s recognize that there is no “best method” for helping people achieve optimal health, and instead focuses on an integrative approach using the best techniques and tools from Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Orthomolecular and Functional Medicine.

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  • Functional Lab Testing

    If you want to fast-track your wellness plan, I highly recommend undertaking state-of-the-art, at-home functional lab tests. Lab tests provide tangible data and take away the guesswork required to achieving real results.

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Our bodies send us signals…are you ready to listen?

Modern society has us conditioned to believe that various ailments and struggles are a fact of life: we put up with bloating, constipation, acne, headaches, low-moods, fatigue, insomnia, low-energy, anxiety, PMS or inflammation, because we accept that they are “normal” conditions or are simply an unfortunate feature of our body’s natural deterioration process. From my perspective, these are all signals our bodies are sending to tell us that it is out of balance, and the sooner we act on them, the better!

What are the Benefits of an Holistic Approach?

Rather than looking at body parts or systems in isolation, I take into consideration the whole person and lifestyle. Making positive lifestyle changes can impact so many areas of your life


When your body is in balance you can fall asleep easily, sleep through the night and wake up feeling rested and brimming with energy.

Gut Health

Imagine a life with a healthy digestive system – no more gas, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation.

Hormone Health

Good hormonal health is glowing skin and a regular menstrual cycle without PMS, mood swings and food cravings.


Have the energy to work, exercise regularly, spend time with your family and feel positive and vibrant while doing so.

What my clients are saying…

I am 68 years old and have lost 33 lbs. in 4 1/2 months with Jess’s help! I came to Jess because I felt bad everyday. Fatigue, headaches, joint pain, and brain fog were tormenting me on a daily basis. I was ready to make a life change! She listened to me and encouraged me. She has given me strategies for traveling and eating out. And devised a plan for me on how to eat. There are no gimmicks or shots. Just eating the right foods to make you feel better. I feel great and have more energy! She was a God send for me! I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to make a change in the way they look and feel! Thank you Jess! You have been a blessing in my life!

Christie Flores
Christie Flores
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